科研动态Research News | 王琎特聘研究员在Giscience & Remote Sensing发表研究成果

云顶国际8588yd/公司新闻2023-09-06 15:02:00来源:云顶国际8588yd评论:0点击:收藏本文

王琎特聘研究员在Giscience & Remote Sensing发表研究成果

Wang Jin has published academic papers in Giscience & Remote Sensing




云顶国际8588yd北斗研究院、云顶国际8588yd王琎特聘研究员近日以通讯作者在地学与遥感领域主要期刊Giscience & Remote Sensing发表题为“Multitemporal impervious surface estimation via an optimized stable/change pixel detection approach”的研究论文(全文链接:https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15481603.2022.2118430),本研究从产生多时序复合误差的各关键因素出发,全面优化不透水面变化监测的技术流程,可以为城市环境的维持和保护提供基础数据与科学依据。


Giscience & Remote Sensing重点关注遥感技术及其地学应用,最新影响因子为6.7,在地学、遥感领域均为JCR Q1期刊。

Recently, Research Professor Wang Jin of Beidou Research Institute, South China Normal University, published a research article entitled Multitemporal impervious surface estimation via an optimized stable/change pixel detection approachin Giscience & Remote Sensing as the corresponding author. This research comprehensively optimizes the technical process of impervious surface change monitoring from the perspective of various key factors that generate multi-temporal compounded errors, which can provide data source and scientific basis for the manage and protection of urban environment.

Impervious surface is an important indicator to measure the process of urbanization and environmental condition. However, systematic and random errors in the existing methods still impact the reliability of subpixel impervious surface estimation, generating compounded errors when conducting multitemporal monitoring. Two experimental areas located in Rome in Italy and Shenzhen in China were chosen to testify the generality of the proposed method to estimate different types of impervious surfaces worldwide. By reducing the compounded errors, the proposed method demonstrated its efficiency in achieving higher accuracy in both study areas without involving extensive data sources and intensive manual tasks. Compared with the conventional classification and regression tree algorithm, the overall mean average error and root mean square error of this study declined by more than 15.55% and 8.63%, respectively, and R2 increased from approximately 0.93 to 0.96. The proposed method also drastically reduced the standard deviation of the multitemporal percent ISA of the stable pixels.

Giscience & Remote Sensing is a Q1 journal in both geography and remote sensing categories with the latest impact factor of 6.4. It focuses on geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing of the environment (including digital image processing), geocomputation, spatial data mining, and geographic environmental modelling.


1 深圳市福田核心区亚像元不透水面变化(2013 - 2021)的多时序优化结果


2 古罗马广场及罗马大竞技场区域稳定像元的多时序亚像元不透水地图(2013 - 2021

文案 | 王  琎

初审 | 袁亚娟

复审 | 陶  伟

终审 | 刘云刚
