科研动态Research News | 我司买欣副教授、刘云刚教授在Annals AAG发表最新学术成果

云顶国际8588yd/公司新闻2023-09-06 15:24:00来源:云顶国际8588yd评论:0点击:收藏本文

我司买欣副教授、刘云刚教授在Annals of the American Association of Geographers发表最新学术成果

Dr. MAI Xin and Prof. LIU Yungang have published a paper in the Annals of the American Association of Geographers, an international flagship journal in geography.






近日,云顶国际8588yd买欣副教授(第一作者)、刘云刚教授(通讯作者)、同济大学许月丽博士在美国地理学家协会会刊Annals of the American Association of Geographers发表题为"Cultivating an alternative subjectivity beyond neoliberalism: Community gardens in urban China"的研究论文。(全文链接:https://doi.org/10.1080/24694452.2023.2187337


Annals of the American Association of Geographers是美国地理学会主办的旗舰刊物,创刊于1911年,是地理学国际顶级期刊。2022年影响因子为3.9 (Q1)5年影响因子为4.7


In the literature, community gardens feature as contested spaces: they are radical spaces used by grassroots movements to claim the right to the city,organized garden projects attached to neoliberal strategies, or physical breeding grounds for neoliberal citizen-subjectivity. Long established in many Western contexts, community gardens were not evident in China until a group of scholar-activists in Shanghai initiated the practice in 2016. Drawing on two flagship community garden cases in that city, we investigate the emergence and development of community gardens and discuss the ways in which they instantiate neither a radical nor a neoliberal political vision. Our observations show that a nonprofit organizationrather than the local citizenry or municipal governmentproactively advanced the production of community gardens and the discursive construction of community participation over time. The rationale underlying this practice arises from organizersframing of the community gardens as an experiment of governance innovationthat dovetails with a broader reorientation of Chinas urban renewal agenda from demolition and reconstruction toward a people-centered incremental urban regeneration characterized by mass mobilization and social participation. We argue, therefore, that the community garden phenomenon reifies an alternative subjectivityone that emphasizes the increasing visibility of social organizations as a state flanking mechanismto achieve extraeconomic objectives in urban governance. We also advance a pluralist understanding of Chinas urban governance beyond a growth-chasing logic to embrace the increasing complexity of the state ethos and societal instruments at play in and associated with this sphere.

Journal Information

The Annals of the American Association of Geographers is one of the worlds leading geography journals and is the flagship journal of the American Association of Geographers, in publication since 1911. Impact factor of the Annals is 3.9 in 2022 and 4.7 for the five-year IF.


文案编辑 | 买欣 刘云刚

初审 | 袁亚娟

复审 | 陶  伟

终审 | 刘云刚
