科研动态 Research News|李明坤副研究员在国际Top期刊Paleoceanogr Paleocl发表学术论文

云顶国际8588yd/公司新闻2022-11-03 09:09:20来源:云顶国际8588yd评论:0点击:收藏本文

李明坤特聘副研究员在国际Top期刊Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology



Li Mingkun published an academical paper in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, a top international journal


近日,云顶国际8588yd特聘副研究员李明坤以第一作者、欧阳婷萍研究员以通讯作者身份在AGU主流期刊Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology(原Paleoceanography)上发表题为“Reconstruction of chemical weathering intensity and Asian Summer monsoon evolution in the Red River Basin over the past 36 kyr”的研究论文(https://doi.org/10.1029/2021PA004397),从长时间尺度揭示了红河流域硅酸盐风化、夏季风演变历史和驱动机制。



为此,本研究通过分析南海西北部陆坡有良好的AMS14C年龄约束的PC338岩芯的硅酸盐组分的元素地球化学,获取红河流域高分辨率古气候记录。首先,基于Sr-Nd同位素对比,确定研究区的物质来源为红河,沉积物搬运与前人推测的昆--琼古河道和现代洋流方向一致。其次,硅酸盐化学风化的常用参数——化学蚀变指数(CIA)对Heinrich事件、新仙女木事件、8.2 ka事件等千/百年尺度的气候变冷事件的响应尤为敏感,但在更长时间尺度上的变化与陆地夏季风记录并不一致。尤其是在海平面快速下降(32-29 kyr BP)和快速上升(15-8 kyr BP)的两个阶段,CIA分别呈升高和降低的趋势,这与海平面快速变化引起的河流沉积物滞留时间的变化有关。前人认为这种“滞留效应”的影响仅在冰期-间冰期旋回中出现,而本研究表明则“滞留效应”可在更短的时间内发挥作用。最后,对主量元素进行主成分分析获得的PC1(包括FeAlKMg),代表陆源细粒沉积物。红河90%以上的细粒沉积物在夏季降雨时产生,PC1可指示流域的夏季风降雨。PC1的变化整体上与红河流域上游腾冲青海湖湿度指标、印度季风区石笋氧同位素、中亚季风区平均有效湿度、热带印度洋海水表层温度等的变化一致,表明红河流域的降雨受印度夏季风的控制。对比发现,在轨道尺度上红河流域夏季风强度受北半球低纬度日照辐射的控制。


本研究受国家自然科学基金(41272348),广东省自然科学基金(2018B030311056; 2019A1515110195),中国博士后科学基金(2019M652936),中国地质调查局(DD20160138GZH2015002071212010611302)项目的支持。Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology是古海洋、古气候、古生物学领域的权威期刊,2021年影响因子为3.99,全球排名9/108Paleontology)。


1 夏季风、海平面、粒度等综合因素影响下的南海北部陆坡沉积物CIA变化模式图


2 基于PC1重建的过去36 kyr以来红河流域区域季风降雨及区域对比


The Red River is located at the intersection of the Indian and East Asian monsoons. Understanding the evolution history of the monsoon in the Red River basin helps to comprehend the evolution of Asian Summer Monsoon. Herein, we present the high-resolution major elements and Sr-Nd isotopic ratios of the terrigenous sediment component for a well-dated core retrieved from the northern South China Sea slope, aiming to identify the sediment provenance and reconstruct the silicate chemical weathering intensity since the past 36 kyr. The Red River was confirmed as the major sediment source through Sr-Nd isotopic ratios. The silicate chemical weathering was affected by the rapid changes of sea level and monsoon, and thus it is difficult to indicate the regional paleoenvironment by the weathering degree. The principal component 1 composed of TFe2O3, Al2O3, K2O and MgO was shown to represent the fine-grained sediment discharge, and employed as a proxy for the summer monsoon rainfall. Global cooling events/stages were identified through the proxies, including the Last Glacial Maximum, Heinrich events, Younger Dryas, and 8.2 ka, as well as the enhanced summer monsoon stages, including the Bølling/Allerød and early Holocene. Based on the comparison with the neighboring paleoclimate indicators, the region summer monsoon of the Red River basin was found to be governed by the Indian summer monsoon, and the summer insolation at low latitudes might be the primary forcing force on the orbital scale.

文字编辑 李明坤


初审 | 袁亚娟




终审 刘云刚
