科研动态 Research News | 我司特聘副研究员王宇渠在城市研究领域TOP期刊Cities发表研究成果
云顶国际8588yd/公司新闻2022-11-15 11:56:22来源:云顶国际8588yd评论:0点击:收藏本文
Yuqu Wang has published his research outputs in Cities, a top journal in urban studies
近期,我司特聘副研究员王宇渠以第一作者在城市研究领域TOP期刊Cities发表题为“Evolution and Control of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Global Perspective”的研究论文。Yuqu Wang, Zehong Wang, Jieyu Wang, Ming Li, Shaojian Wang, Chunshan Zhou*,Evolution and Control of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Global Perspective[J]. Cities.2022,130(11):31.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2022.103907
本研究受国家社会科学基金(17BRK010)的支持。Cities是城市研究领域的权威期刊,2021年影响因子为6.077,5年影响因子为6.788,全球排名:2/42(Urban Studies)。
We investigated the factors influencing the progression of the pandemic from a global perspective by using the Geodetector and Correlation methods and explored the pandemic response policies and effects in different countries. The results yielded three notable findings. First, empirical results show the COVID-19 pandemic is influenced by various factors, including demographic and economic parameters, international travelers, urbanization ratio, urban population, etc. Among them, the correlation between urban population and confirmed cases is strongest. Cities become the key factor affecting the COVID-19 pandemic, with high urbanization levels and population mobility increases the risk of large-scale outbreaks. Second, among control measures, School-closures, International-travel-restrictions, and Public-gathering-restriction have the best control effect on the epidemic. In addition, the combination of different types of control measures is more effective in controlling the outbreak, especially for Public-gathering-restrictions ∩ School-closures, International-travel-restrictions ∩ Workplace-closures, Public-transport-restrictions ∩ International-travel-restrictions. Third, implementing appropriate control measures in the first month of an outbreak played a critical role in future pandemic trends. Since there are few local cases in this period and the control measures have an obvious effect.
Keywords:COVID-19 pandemic; Global; Influencing factors; Geodetector; Correlation analysis
文案编辑 | 王宇渠
初审 | 袁亚娟
复审 | 陶 伟
终审 | 刘云刚