科研动态Research News | 王琎特聘研究员在Ecological Indicators发表研究成果
云顶国际8588yd/公司新闻2023-09-06 15:10:00来源:云顶国际8588yd评论:0点击:收藏本文
王琎特聘研究员在Ecological Indicators发表研究成果
Wang Jin has published academic papers in Ecological Indicators Sensing
近日,云顶国际8588yd北斗研究院、云顶国际8588yd王琎特聘研究员以第一作者在环境科学领域SCI Q1期刊Ecological Indicators发表题为“Continuous remote sensing ecological index (CRSEI): A novel approach for multitemporal monitoring of eco-environmental changes on large scale”的研究论文,中科院先进技术研究院陈劲松研究员为本文共同通讯作者(全文链接:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1470160X23008816)。本研究针对现有遥感方法在进行多时序生态环境质量评价时存在的不稳定偏差问题,提出并构建了一种改进的遥感指数——连续遥感生态指数(CRSEI),适用于在大空间尺度、高时间分辨率下定量评价生态环境质量,可以准确反映地表环境的复杂变化。该研究为生态环境监测提供了一种新的遥感指标和方法,并为沿海地区的环境保护和可持续发展提供了科学依据。
Ecological Indicators重点关注生态环境的定量分析研究,是该领域top期刊(最新中科院分区),最新影响因子6.9。
Recently, Research Professor Wang Jin from the Beidou Research Institute and School of Geography Science at South China Normal University published a research paper titled "Continuous Remote Sensing Ecological Index (CRSEI): A Novel Approach for Multitemporal Monitoring of Eco-Environmental Changes on Large Scale" as the first author in the SCI Q1 journal Ecological Indicators in the field of Environmental Science (full article link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1470160X23008816). This study addresses the issue of unstable bias in existing remote sensing methods for multitemporal eco-environmental quality assessment. The researchers proposed and constructed an improved remote sensing index called the Continuous Remote Sensing Ecological Index (CRSEI), which enables quantitative evaluation of eco-environmental quality at a large spatial scale and high temporal resolution, accurately depicting complex changes in the earth's surface environment. This research provides a new remote sensing index and method for ecological environment monitoring and offers scientific references for environmental protection and sustainable development in coastal areas.
In this study, the coastal regions of East and Southeast Asia were taken as examples, and MODIS data from 2001 to 2019 were used to calculate the CRSEI and analyze the changes in eco-environmental quality in different regions. The results demonstrate that CRSEI can continuously reflect the spatiotemporal changes in eco-environmental quality and provide comparable quantitative evaluation results over time. Over the twenty-year period, the overall CRSEI of the study area slightly decreased, but the subregions showed different change trends. Notably, the coastal areas in northern China experienced the greatest improvement in eco-environmental quality, while the coastal areas of Vietnam and Cambodia witnessed significant degradation due to tropical rainforest destruction caused by human activities. Additionally, the study found a significant correlation between the changes in regional eco-environmental quality and population density.
Ecological Indicators is a leading journal that focuses on quantitative analysis of ecological environments, and it is rated as a top journal in the field (latest Chinese Academy of Sciences category) with a recent IF of 6.9.
图1 本文研究架构图
文案编辑 | 王 琎
初审 | 袁亚娟
复审 | 陶 伟
终审 | 刘云刚