科研动态Research News | 我司黄燕特聘副研究员、刘云刚教授在地理学权威期刊AG发表最新学术成果

云顶国际8588yd/公司新闻2023-10-14 23:27:00来源:云顶国际8588yd评论:0点击:收藏本文

我司黄燕特聘副研究员、刘云刚教授在Australian Geographer发表最新学术成果

Dr. Yan Huang and Prof. LIU Yungang have published a paper in Australian Geographer, a geography journal with a high reputation.


黄燕,云顶国际8588yd特聘副研究员,澳大利亚格里菲斯大学人文、语言和社会科学学院博士,主要从事日常地缘政治(旅游地缘政治)和海洋政治地理(南海问题)研究,已以第一或通讯作者在SSCI、中文核心期刊发表论文多篇,包括Political Geography, Geopolitics, Australian Geographer, 《旅游学刊》和《地理研究》,目前主持国家基金青年项目一项。



近日,云顶国际8588yd黄燕博士(第一作者)和刘云刚教授(通讯作者)在澳洲地理学家Australian Geographer 发表题为" Encountering and Experiencing the Geopolitics of Tourism (Im)Mobilities: A Case of Chinas Tourism in the South China Sea "的研究论文。(全文链接:https://doi.org/10.1080/00049182.2023.2261097

流动性政治理论强调流动的生产性以及移动性/不可移动性背后不平等、不均质的权力关系。本研究对话此部分文献,讨论国家不仅是移动性的制定者和管控者,移动性是国家的政治技术,移动性也会形塑国家和领土化过程。南海旅游的移动性(tourism (im)mobilities) 与此区域内的海洋领域化过程相互组成,但是其也生产了令人不满的内部边界化效果。研究反思了当代领土-民族-国家结构在全球生产的不均等和不公正的移动性等级,发现这种移动性差异常常在国家利益、国家安全和国家机密等地缘政治、国家竞争和安全话语中被掩盖,并被民众所广泛接受。具体到全球旅游移动性和南海的旅游移动性管控,本研究发现在微观个体尺度上,游客与旅游移动性管控的情感邂逅与其日常经历的移动性不公和宏观的国家进程交叉,共同塑造了个体的地缘政治主体化过程。总体,本研究揭示了日常旅游流动的不均匀政治空间性,并促进了对旅游流动性的地缘政治效果的更细致和更深入的理解。

Australian Geographer是澳大利亚地理学会主办的旗舰刊物,创刊于1940年,是地理学老牌核心期刊。2022年影响因子为2.4 (JCR Q2)5年影响因子为 2.2 (JCR Q2)


This research examines the geopolitical entanglements of Chinas tourism in the South China Sea (SCS) and the geopolitical implications of uneven mobility rights on touristsgeopolitical subjectivation. We show that maritime territorialisation in the SCS is mobile and constituted by tourism mobilities. However, although tourism mobility control constitutes and performs state territorialisation, it also generates unsatisfied internal bordering effects. We reveal that uneven mobility rights premised on territorial geopolitics are unevenly experienced by tourists. Within the contemporary deeply embedded structure of the territory-nation-state, mobility governance, hierarchy, inequity, and unevenness driven by national interests, security, and secrecy are widely accepted and taken for granted. The encounters and affective engagements of tourism mobility regulations in the SCS, intersecting with everyday experiences of mobility hierarchies as well as state geopolitical processes, contribute to shaping individualsgeopolitical identity. This promotes the internalisation of the contemporary mobility regime and facilitates the naturalisation of state geopolitical competitions. By exploring the geopolitical experiences of selective mobility control and its geopolitical effects on tourists, this research sheds light on the uneven political spatiality of everyday tourism mobilities and offers a more nuanced and intimate understanding of the geopolitics of tourism (im)mobilities at the micro-scale.

Journal Information

Australian Geographer is the flagship journal of the Australian Association of Geographers, in publication since 1940. Impact factor of Australian Geographer is 2.4 in 2022 (JCR Q2) and 2.2 for the five-year IF.

文字编辑 | 黄燕、刘云刚

初审 | 袁亚娟

复审 | 陶伟

终审 | 刘云刚
