科研动态Research News | 我司安宁副教授在南非地理学家协会会刊SAGJ发表最新学术成果
云顶国际8588yd/公司新闻2023-11-03 23:56:00来源:云顶国际8588yd评论:0点击:收藏本文
Associate Prof. Ning An has published a paper in the South African Geographical Journal
安宁,云顶国际8588yd副教授,主要研究方向为政治地理和社会文化地理,目前主持国家省部级科研项目4项,出版英文专著1部,在SSCI和CSSCI收录的核心期刊论文上发表研究成果70余篇。受邀参编西方主流人文地理学教材《Introducing Human Geographies》(2024)。作为客座编辑在《Geopolitics》《Social & Cultural Geography》《世界地理研究》等国内外核心地理学期刊组织了与日常、大众以及文化地缘政治主题相关的专辑论文出版。
近日,云顶国际8588yd安宁副教授在南非地理学家协会会刊South African Geographical Journal发表题为“Renarrating China-Africa relations: perspectives from new Chinese immigrants in Zimbabwe” 的研究论文。
本研究得到了国家自然科学基金(42171226),教育部人文社会科学项目(20YJC630232)的支持。South African Geographical Journal是南非地理学家协会会刊,也是地理学领域的核心期刊(SSCI)。
Drawing on China’s rising population outflows and the theory of everyday geopolitics, this study discusses how the daily international encounters of emerging Chinese immigrants (re-)write inter national relations. The study was conducted through fieldwork with new Chinese immigrants in Zimbabwe and reveals two findings. First, Zimbabwean political elites have been knitting a geopolitical discourse through the well-known nationalism and patriotic histories between China and Zimbabwe constructing ‘successful and mutually beneficial’ Zimbabwe-China relations. However, this elite geopolitical discourse has been facing great challenges among ordinary people in post-2000 Zimbabwe due to the influx of Chinese immigrants. Second, the new Chinese immigrant have been becoming key players in (re-)narrating Zimbabwe-China relations for their unbalanced trade relations with locals, inappropriate behaviours, their precarities, and investment in local public services. This migrant group not only incurs a Sino-phobia sentiment in post2000 Zimbabwe, but also contributes to the maintaining of the public opinion on the Chinese presence here, articulating a complex and diverse set of geopolitical discourse. This study provides persuasive evidence that everyday practice has a stronger role in knitting together geopolitical discourse than traditional narratives and provides insights for transnational geopolitics to examine heterogeneity, complexity, and diversity of the geopolitical players in more details.
Funding and Journal Information
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China [42171226] and the Ministry of education of Humanities and Social Science project [20YJC630232]. The South African Geographical Journal is the flagship journal of the Society of South African Geographers, periodical included in SSCI.
文字编辑 | 安 宁
初审 | 袁亚娟
复审 | 陶 伟
终审 | 刘云刚