科研动态Research News | 我司王敏教授团队在Nature旗下HSSC期刊发表最新学术成果

云顶国际8588yd/公司新闻2023-11-19 15:55:00来源:云顶国际8588yd评论:0点击:收藏本文

我司王敏教授团队在Humanities and Social Sciences Communications发表最新学术成果

Prof. WANG Mins team have published a paper in the Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, a humanities and social sciences journal under the Nature umbrella.




近日,云顶国际8588yd王敏教授团队在Nature旗下唯一面向人文社会科学的期刊Humanities and Social Sciences Communications发表题为"Scale transformation of place brands: a visual study of Xinhepu, Guangzhou"的研究论文。(全文链接:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-023-02328-z



Humanities and Social Sciences CommunicationsNature旗下唯一面向人文社会科学的期刊,致力于出版人文、社会与行为科学所有领域的高水平研究,在国内外的人文社科领域具有重要影响力。2022年影响因子(IF)为3.5 ,为JCR一区,CiteScore3


Place branding has become a popular strategy to promote place visibility and place image communication and gains attention in the field of city planning, geography, and place management. The contribution of geographical knowledge has been emphasized and discussed in recent place branding studies, including the role of geographical scale in branding strategies and management. However, current research mainly places the issues of scale from the top-down perspective of branding governance, and the bottom-up processes based on local culture and embodied experiences are overlooked. Drawing on participatory-based visual methodology, in the article, a combination of selfdirected photography, photo evaluation, eye-tracking experiment, and interview are employed to the scale transformation performance of place brands from the perspective of embodied experience. Taking Xinhepu in Guangzhou, China as a case study, the results show that both residents and nonresidents do not limit their perception of the Xinhepu brand to a microscale space but point to the city of Guangzhou. Specifically, the process of scale transformation of place brands is characterized by the interaction of temporal and spatial factors that provide possibilities for scale transformation. The physical landscape in space plays a role in place branding, while in time scale, Xinhepu connects Guangzhous past and present and is a microcosm of the citys image and historical development; thus, in peoples embodied perception, Xinhepu can be transformed into a city brand through place culture creation. The article can provide a new explanation for the construction of place branding at multiple geographical scales and explore how the bodys unconscious, nonrepresentational rhythms play a role in place brand scale transformation.

Journal Information

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications is Nature's only journal for the humanities and social sciences, dedicated to publishing high-level research in all areas of the humanities, social and behavioral sciences, with significant influence in the humanities and social sciences at both domestic and international levels. The Impact Factor for 2022 is 3.5, JCR Q1, and the CiteScore is 3.



初审 | 袁亚娟


终审 刘云刚
